
Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Not Only Survive, But Conquer Menopause

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan How to Not Only Survive, But Conquer Menopause.

How to Feel Great, Look Great and Thrive Before, During and After Menopause!

Every woman reaches a point where her body starts to transition. This time can be a wonderful period of personal growth and renewed energies. It can also be a combination of some nagging physical and mental/emotional symptoms along with positive, empowering changes. For many women this time can be a living nightmare. Your energy can plummet. Your good moods and emotional stability can start giving way to frustrations, anxieties, irritability, and even depression. And god forbid if your skin starts changing, your hair starts thinning and your hips, thighs, butt and stomach start expanding.

Then there's the possibility of hot flashes, night sweats, breast tenderness, trouble sleeping, loss of sex drive, sore muscles and joints, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, indigestion, bloating, headaches and the torture goes on! Some transition! What is designed by Mother Nature to be an empowering, rejuvenating process for women can turn into a physical, mental and emotional train wreck.

Nothing is more empowering than being a living example and having a sense of purpose. Your life is about to dramatically change for the better!

With that said, let's get started.

The powers that be have failed you

No matter where you turn you won't be given a step by step plan that clearly outlines why you have so many symptoms before, during and after menopause and how to restore and rejuvenate your physical, mental and emotional well being.

- Mainstream doctors try to quiet your mounting frustrations with a suggestion of HRT, (Hormone Replacement Therapy), maybe a prescription for some anti-depression medication or advise you to "lower your stress."

- Alternative doctors like Naturopaths, Acupuncturist and Chiropractors do offer much safer suggestions and treatments. However, they rarely address the real causes and they contradict each other so often you can end up more frustrated and confused then when you started.

- The big business of the diet industry, the supplement industry and the internet has become a marketing and media circus. They are masters at over promising and under delivering. Great for them, exhausting, expensive and overwhelming for you.

Who are We?

Right now I have something I want to give you. Well actually WE want to give you. For 13 years I conducted over 1200 interviews with the world's top health experts on my radio program called "The Nature of Health." The subject matter centered around Natural Medicine and women's health, men's health, children's health and seniors health.

By far the most talked about subject was women's health! I covered topics like weight gain, menopause, hormone replacement, chronic fatigue, depression, PMS, osteoporosis, sleep problems, breast health, heart disease, hysterectomies, mammograms, urinary tract infection, diet, exercise and stress. Every interview gave me a progressively clearer picture of the challenges facing women. The experts I was interviewing approached things very differently from mainstream medicine and most of alternative medicine. And they had little tolerance for the diet and supplement industries. The experts "in the know" understand what a misleading media circus it has become. One thing for sure, the people who really know how to help you don't have a mainstream media voice and are not being heard. Until now!

What's Happening To Me??

Have you asked yourself that question? How would you rate your quality of life right now on a scale of 1-10? How much is passing you by because frustrating and draining symptoms are dragging you down? Do you really understand why your body and mind are starting to betray you?

What I am about to say could not only prevent a lot of future misery it could very well save your life!! Please listen carefully

You are not meant to suffer with a laundry list of symptoms that ruin the quality of your life. Everything from unexplained weight gain, skin changes, and hair loss to anxiety, depression and hot flashes are a clear and definite metabolic wake up call.

Your metabolism is unraveling and with it comes hormonal imbalance and changes in brain chemistry that can and will make your life anywhere from slightly uncomfortable to a living nightmare. Right here is the moment that you find out how and why we can help you when all else has failed. This is where we leave "conventional thinking" behind and put you in the drivers seat of a new life.

You have to heal your metabolism!!

Metabolism is primarily controlled by hormones. Powerful, fast acting, regenerating and repairing, top priority, life and death controlling hormones!! And because NOBODY is telling you this, you keep running into one empty promise and failure after the next!

You're about to learn the difference between your major and minor hormones. Priority is the key! And that understanding is about to change your life!

The major hormones are Insulin, Adrenalin and Cortisol.

- They are the dominant hormones that control your metabolism.

- They are the dominant hormones that control the stress response.

- They are the dominant hormones that allow the body to regenerate

- They control fat storing and fat burning

- They control life sustaining functions like the regulation of your heartbeat, blood pressure and pH

- An imbalance in the major hormones is linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other serious conditions and diseases.

- When these major hormones are out of balance, the minor hormones will also be out of balance.

- Anti-aging, longevity and protection from degenerative disease is the result of balance in the major and minor hormones

- If you were missing any of the three major hormones you would die rapidly if it were not replaced

The minor hormones are Estrogen, Progesterone, Thyroid, Testosterone, HGH (Human Growth Hormone) DHEA and others.

The minor hormones are also very important for your health and well being but they play a lesser role. They help control your metabolism, assist in regeneration, reproduction and many other important functions.

However, the imbalances, excesses or deficiencies of minor hormones do not have the same devastating consequences to your health and metabolism as the major hormones. You may need help with your minor hormones. They may need to be replaced temporarily or for the rest of your life. We will help you understand how to determine that.

However the best way to balance minor hormones is to focus first on balancing the major hormones.

The failure of mainstream and Alternative medicine and the diet and supplement industry is because they do not focus on balancing the major hormones!!

Since an imbalance in major hormones is the main cause of imbalances or deficiencies in minor hormones then brace yourself for a flood of physical and mental/emotional symptoms that are going to feast on your quality of life.

And listen to this. Are you dealing with stubborn, unexplained weight gain? These very powerful major hormones determine whether you store fat or burn it as energy. These major hormones also decide where the fat is stored and whether or not you can burn that fat from the places on your body that it accumulates. (mostly hips, thighs, butt and stomach) The more imbalanced these hormones become the more you store fat and the less you burn fat. They are so powerful that you could eat celery and work out 8 hours a day and never lose an ounce if the imbalance is severe enough.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.