Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan Diet Reviews and Weight Loss.
The most effective weight loss program includes a proper diet, exercise, especially stomach exercises, and hormone replacement. Weight loss is possible without extreme measures. With proper care, it is possible to enhance our health and increase the possibility of longevity and anti aging.
First, we must face the facts. Whatever we put in our bodies will either show us benefits or cause us harm. We can't put bad gas in our car and expect it to run well. George Burns, the great comedian/actor, was asked how he was able to live so long. His response was, "I eat half". With all the advice out there it isn't often that we here of the importance of moderation. All foods present benefits and we should not skimp on anything. However, too much of a good thing can be bad. Research has shown that those who lose weight and keep it off tend to eat a high fiber, moderately low-fat diet. It is also important to realize how important it is to eat breakfast every day. Breakfast will jump start the metabolism. "Basically, almost any diet plan will work for weight loss." (WebMD)
A weight loss program is only complete with some sort of exercise. Exercises don't have to be intense to lose weight. In fact, walking is a simple exercise that provides many health benefits. Whether we run the mile or walk it we burn the same amount of calories. The thighs are the biggest muscle in the body so any kind of leg work will increase the heart rate and lung capacity. It is important to be committed to belly exercises, in particular, to make it work. Belly fat is known to carry with it a high probability of heart failure. The longer we go the easier it will be to keep fat off. Also, the longer we go with the weight off the easier it will be to keep it off.
Finally, hormone replacement should not be disregarded in any weight loss program. We start to lose our hormones when we are in our 20's and they continue to deplete with each passing year. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an endogenous hormone with no human growth hormone side effects, and secreted by the adrenal gland. It is also found in the brain. DHEA is an originator of androgens and estrogens (male and female sex hormones). DHEA is the first natural way of building the hormones. Prior to 1994 it was available only by prescription. It is now available across the counter at most pharmacies due to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.
In the end, sustained weight loss takes effort. If we desire quality of life and longevity the effort is well worth it.
Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.