
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Uterine Fibroid Alternatives

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan Uterine Fibroid Alternatives.

30-70% of women are diagnosed with at least one uterine fibroid throughout life. These costly fibroids results in approximately 300,000 hysterectomies every year. Uterine fibroids are more common in blacks, obese, peri-menopausal women and drinking alcohol increases risk. Uterine fibroids can be dependent on the hormone estrogen and estrogen dominance is becoming more and more common in our society. There is currently a theory that vitamin D deficiency plays a key role in fibroid formation.

The cause of fibroids is multifaceted including inflammation, growth factors through abnormal genetic expression, estrogen dominance, progesterone deficiency and there is a strong link with gastrointestinal health. A study published in the Journal Human Reproduction Update in 1996 discussed abnormal growth factors lead to blood supply abnormalities that feed fibroids.

Traditional medicine views uterine fibroids as benign and only require treatment when symptoms exist. Symptoms include:

  • Bleeding

  • Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse)

  • Pelvic pressure

  • Bowel & bladder symptoms

  • Miscarriage

  • Pain

Surgery or a procedure known as uterine artery embolization which blocks the blood supply to the fibroid are the most common treatments. There are alternative treatments that can reduce symptoms and size of the fibroid.

Estrogen dominance requires proper metabolism of estrogen so it can be excreted from the body. This is optimized by consuming plenty of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, drinking green tea, consuming ground flax seeds and getting plenty of omega 3 fatty acids from fish or supplementation. Obesity and hypothyroidism can disrupt estrogen metabolism so a proper thyroid evaluation including proper diet and exercise program are required.

The Journal Alternative Therapies published a study in 2002 showing that acupuncture, body therapy and guided imagery reduced fibroid growth, reduced symptoms and resulted in high patient satisfaction with the treatment.

The treatment of uterine fibroids cannot go without mentioning the strong link between gastrointestinal health and fibroid growth. Leaky gut syndrome, yeast, intestinal bacterial overgrowth and gut inflammation can indirectly lead to abnormal growth factor expression, estrogen excess and immune dysfunction. Toxic heavy metals can lead to abnormal bacterial growth in the gut and breakdown of the mucosal lining in the intestines. Metal toxicity levels should therefore be evaluated if fibroids are present along with digestive issues. Healing the gut is always a key in the overall treatment of uterine fibroids.

Liver detoxification is important because estrogen metabolism occurs in the liver. Xenoestrogens, or chemicals that act like estrogen, are detoxified in the liver so an impaired liver detox system can lead to estrogen dominance Castor oil packs have an anti-inflammatory effect, aid in lymphatic drainage and are a tool for facilitating meditation and should be an important piece of the treatment pie. Sitz baths help to move blood through the pelvis. 3 minutes in hot water followed by 30 seconds in cold water repeated three times consecutively five days a week is recommended. It's very important to eliminate caffeine, strong perfumes, conventional dairy and meat, alcohol and aspartame. Sugar and trans fats should also be avoided.

Vaginal depletion packs have been used by natural physicians since the 1800's. They work by improving circulation through the pelvic organs by drawing fluid and infections out of the uterus. The four most useful herbs for uterine fibroids and the pain that accompanies are vitex agnus castus, angelica sinensis, achillia millifolium and alcamelia vulgaris.

Insulin resistance occurs when your body's cells lose their ability to communicate with the hormone insulin which results in abnormal blood sugar. These fluctuations can contribute to the formation of fibroids. Signs of insulin resistance are increased abdominal fat, fatigue after meals, sugar cravings, mood swings, sleep problems and suppressed immune system. Exercise will resensitize your cells so insulin can do it's job of shuttling blood sugar into the cells. Exercise that emphasizes core-strengthening and stress-reduction are ideal for not only insulin resistance but for fibroid prevention and treatment as well. Yoga and Tai Chi are excellent examples. In addition, a variety of supplements can help with this process as well.

I highly recommend energy healing to restore proper balance to your chakra system. Toxic relationships, suppressed creativity and abuse issues in the present or past can lead to blockages in energy flow through your body leading to fibroid formation. Suzannah Tebbe Davis can help you restore balance to your energy centers. Please contact me for her information

So as you can see, the treatment of uterine fibroids is multi-faceted and there is no one-shot approach. A whole body, functional and energetic approach is required to heal fibroids. Uterine fibroids can be difficult to treat but a comprehensive holistic treatment plan can provide relief.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

Treating Migraines With Nutrition

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan Treating Migraines With Nutrition.

Nearly ten percent of Americans are affected by migraines. Migraines typically are when the blood vessels in the brain dilate and thus cause inflammation and intra cranial pressure. They can be very painful and paralyzing. Causes of migraines may be:

1. Too much or too little sleep

2. Excessive estrogen surplus for women during menstrual cycle (over all women are more likely to have migraines than men)

3. Poor diet

4. Response to certain meditations

5. Physical trauma

6. Emotional trauma

Often times migraines are triggers by multiple causes. When it comes to diet, there are ways to treat migraines and it's best to plan ahead. Here are nutrients or compounds that are known to help prevent migraines:

- Ever hear the phrase metal head? No, it's not about music. Magnesium is a metal that the body builds up in the head to reinforce the cranial structure preventing the effects of head trauma. I'm just kidding. It is about music. Magnesium deals with the nerves, helping them function properly and may be one of the greatest nutrients there is to prevent migraines. It is a metal that is utilized in a large number of natural chemical reactions in the body. It generally accompanies fiber in foods and can be found in bran (oats, wheat, and rice), dried herbs, seeds (pumpkin, watermelon, etc), soy beans, molasses, many nuts, avocado, beans, broccoli, spinach, bananas, kiwi, many meats, and many fishes.

- Vitamin D is known to prevent migraines, is actually considered to be a hormone and is crucial for the health. It is manufactured in the body from cholesterol by mixing UVB (not UVA) rays from the sun or certain types of tanning booths. It's best to get 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure a day. Additional vitamin D can be found in fish, some oatmeal's, mushrooms, soy, many kinds of cereal, milk, and can also come from supplements (vitamin D3 is the most natural kind of Vitamin D). Still, light and consistent sun or UVB exposure is being uncovered as the best and most natural way to get vitamin D and other minerals.

- Large amounts of riboflavin (Vitamin B2) have been known to prevent migraines. Sources of riboflavin include mushrooms, spinach, peppers, squash, beans, sweet potato, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin, mustard, chives, artichoke, turnips, tomato, cauliflower, peas, onions, eggs, liver, marmite, dried herbs and spices like paprika or chili powder, Almonds, soybeans, cheese, and fish.

- Caffeine is a drug stimulant that may be used to increase the speed effectiveness of other drugs, including aspirin. Many drugs, like aspirin, already have doses of caffeine in them for this purpose. By itself, caffeine relaxes the blood vessels, may stop inflammation, and is most commonly found of coffee, dark chocolate, and soda.

- Antioxidants include beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, Vitamins A, C, E, zinc, and selenium). Basically, antioxidants repair and prevent cellular damage caused from the body's use of free radicals. Many great benefits come from high and balanced amounts of Antioxidants most of which are found in produce like fruits and vegetables. Huge amounts of foods contain antioxidants; just a few of them are Apples, berries, grapes, onions, broccoli, grapefruit, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, nuts, squash, corn and many more. Try not to over cook many of these foods, because it may destroy the natural enzymes or if steamed remove some of the healthy nutrients.

- Feverfew comes from a Latin word meaning fever reducer. It's a plant that can be consumed directly or made into a supplement, used throughout many parts of the world. It is shown to be very effective for a large portion of people.

- Coenzyme C0Q10 is a natural substance, much like a vitamin, used by most every cell in the body for energy production. It has been shown to greatly help evade or possibly eliminate migraines. C0Q10 can definitely be supplemented and found in organ meats like the kidneys, liver, heart and other foods like beef, fish, peanuts, sardines, and soybean oil.

- Melatonin is a hormone with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics. Taking it at bed time could be a very effective treatment for Migraines. Melatonin is a supplement which can even come from feverfew

- Omega 3 essential fatty acid has a great many health benefits. It's an unsaturated "healthy" fat that can act as an anti-inflammatory. It is often made into a supplement form. Food sources of Omega 3 include flaxseed oil, fish oil, flaxseed, walnuts, sardines, and most notably salmon.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

The Top 10 Foods to Keep You Young

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan The Top 10 Foods to Keep You Young.

The basics of a perfect anti-aging diet would include lots of fresh fruits and veggies, solid amounts of whole grains and fiber, and oily fish 2 to 3 times a week. Cutting back on fat and sugar-laden foods is an important step in keeping you looking and feeling both healthy and young. Besides these basics, though, there are other foods you should be considering to help maximize your anti-aging strategies. Here are the top 10 foods to help keep you young.


Although most people think avocado is a vegetable, it's actually a fruit loaded with monounsaturated fats, which the body needs to combat high cholesterol in the bloodstream. Avocados also are a great source of Vitamin E, which helps minimize visible signs of aging, and have tons of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, lessens water retention, and can even help with muscle cramping.


Any sort of dark berry -- think blueberries, blackberries, or even black grapes -- are loaded with phytochemicals. These flavonoids act as heavy duty antioxidants that help the body fight off free radicals that can cause visible aging on the skin.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, kale, turnips, cauliflower, and radishes help your body vanquish toxins, and have even been shown to minimize the risk of some cancers. You do need to cook these vegetables lightly and for as short a time as possible -- long amounts of cooking or boiling will destroy the healthy enzymes they offer. Try steaming them or eating them raw in a salad for maximum impact.


While garlic may or may not help you fight off Dracula, researchers have found that eating just a single clove of garlic daily can help you stave off both heart disease and some cancers. In fact, one study showed that post-menopausal women between 55 and 69 had a whopping 50% less chance of being diagnosed with colon cancer when they added garlic to their daily diets. Studies have also shown that garlic can help maintain or lower cholesterol levels, and can even thin blood more efficiently than a daily dose of low-strength aspirin. Great news for people with a history of heart disease or heart attacks in their family!


Ginger has been used for centuries as a digestive aid in many cultures, and can also help relieve arthritic aches and pains. After all, it's hard to feel your anti-aging diet is really working if your bones still creak!


Although nuts are high-calorie, high-fat foods, they also contain rich amounts of minerals -- particularly walnuts, which can help provide everything from zinc, potassium, iron, and more to your daily diet. Think of walnuts as nature's supplements, and incorporate them into your diet by sprinkling them on salads or cereals. Nuts can also act as a digestive aid and help shore up your immune system, as well as help lower high cholesterol levels.


Soy products, especially fermented soy products, are an excellent choice for menopausal or post-menopausal dietary plans, since they maintain a woman's estrogen levels and can ease hot flashes. Soy consumption has also been linked to lower rates of heart disease, Alzheimer's, and even osteoporosis and brittle bone syndrome.

Whole Meal Pasta and Rice

Complex carbs like whole grain pasta and rice help you feel full and stay active throughout the day, as well as deliver solid boosts of fiber and iron to aid your digestive system. Look to add brown rice in particular to your daily routine, since it offers a good amount of B vitamins that can boost energy.


This low-calorie, high-water fruit contains loads of vitamins A, B, and C -- plus the seeds offer minerals like zinc and selenium, which is a known free-radical fighter. Add chunks of watermelon to your smoothies, or mix with feta cheese for a light vegetarian salad.


There's no doubt that a full 8 glasses of water daily will go a long way to maintain your body's health and vitality. Minimize your consumption of sugar and fat-laden drinks, tea, or coffee, and instead reach for low-fat or skim milk, flavored water, or fresh juice as additional liquid replacements. You can also add more H2O to your diet by eating high-water fruits and veggies like cucumbers, melons, lettuce, or tomatoes.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas Connection

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan The Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas Connection.

The Thyroid-Adrenal-Pancreas Axis

In addition to gastrointestinal and blood sugar disorders, adrenal gland dysfunction is the most commonly seen imbalance in today's society. Adrenal gland imbalances are also one of the major factors that cause thyroid hormone imbalance. Stress from work, relationships, electronics, poor diet choices such as consumption of refined carbohydrates and trans fats, infections, and environmental toxins all contribute to adrenal disorders.

The Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are about the size of a walnut and lie on top of the kidneys. The outer adrenal cortex comprises eighty percent of the gland and produces many hormones including cortisol and DHEA from cholesterol. Ninety percent of the cholesterol in the body is made by the liver and only ten percent comes from the diet. Cholesterol converts into the hormone pregnenolone in the adrenal cortex which then converts to cortisol, the stress hormone, or DHEA, the sex hormone source, immune enhancer and anabolic. Cortisol is our "fight or flight" stress hormone. Cortisol slows down digestion, suppresses immune function and raises blood sugar as a survival mechanism when we are under stress. The problem arises when this becomes chronic and over time, elevated cortisol will tear down your body. Cortisol is secreted on a circadian rhythm with highest production in the morning that slowly tapers off as the day progresses. Sleep is when our bodies repair and rejuvenate but high cortisol during sleep will prevent this from happening.

Hormones Secreted by the Adrenal Glands


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a precursor to estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. DHEA is extremely important for immune system function and anabolic (building up) processes in the body. DHEA levels begin to decline after age thirty-five but cortisol can remain elevated during continuing periods of stress. Low DHEA levels are also found in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis and of course, thyroid disorders.

Healthy adrenal glands are required for the conversion of inactive T4 into active T3.

When the adrenals have reached a state of fatigue, they are no longer producing sufficient cortisol or DHEA. This leaves individuals more susceptible to chronic diseases from an inability to compensate for the stresses they encounter on a daily basis. It is very important to treat the adrenal glands before commencing treatment of the thyroid. Increasing thyroid hormone production while the adrenals are in fatigue can overwhelm the adrenals and lead to further exhaustion. I have found that once the adrenal glands are healthy and the other related system/factors associated with thyroid imbalance are optimized, there is no need to treat the thyroid directly.

The inner medulla produces adrenalin and noradrenalin also known as norepinephrine and epinephrine. The cortex is under the control of hormones produced in the brain and the medulla is under the control of the nervous system.

Healthy adrenal glands are vital for women who are peri- and post-menopausal. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing the majority of sex hormones in a menopausal woman once the ovaries stop functioning. If the adrenal glands are fatigued and not ready for menopause, there will be an exaggeration of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, sleep problems, bone loss, mood swings, depression, anxiety, loss of sex drive and vaginal dryness. Healthy adrenals ensure an easy transition into menopause and beyond. A vast majority of the women I see in practice approach menopause with adrenal fatigue leading to severe menopausal symptoms and hormone dysfunction.


Aldosterone is produced by the cortex and causes sodium absorption and potassium excretion. Low salt diets and high water intake put a major stress on the adrenal glands to retain as much salt as possible as the blood becomes more diluted from the extra water intake. One of the easiest ways to maintain healthy adrenals is to consume a half- teaspoon of unrefined celtic sea salt every morning with a few glasses of water. It's important to consume half of your bodyweight in ounces of water every day but it must be balanced with salt to remove stress from the adrenal glands.


Cortisol is also produced by the cortex which increases blood sugar when it is low or if the body is under stress. Cortisol will cause glucose production in the liver or it will strip muscle tissue of protein to make glucose. Excess cortisol over long periods of time can increase the risk of diabetes due to prolonged blood sugar elevations.


Adrenaline produced by the adrenal medulla will also raise blood sugar if there is stress on the body. Adrenaline will also increase fat circulation so that it can be burned as energy. This is not a good scenario for someone who is sitting at a desk and under major stress. Large amounts of fat and sugar floating in the bloodstream should be utilized to run from a saber-toothed tiger which is our built-in survival mechanism. If there is no activity, the excess sugar will be converted into fat and stored mainly around the mid-section, hips and thighs.

The adrenal cortex communicates with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus reads the amount of circulating hormones and tells the pituitary to make hormones that directly tell the cortex to make hormones. This is called the HPA axis or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

All hormones are secreted on a circadian rhythm over a 24-hour period. Cortisol is especially representative of this rhythm as cortisol production is the highest in the early morning and then slowly tapers off as the day progresses. Cortisol levels are lowest at night so that the body can repair itself to the best of its ability. You lose two-thirds of your stored sugar while sleeping and cortisol production ensures balanced blood sugar during the night. If the adrenals are fatigued, you may have trouble staying asleep as the body will make adrenaline to raise blood sugar due to inadequate cortisol production which is enough to wake you up. If your adrenals are in overdrive with too much cortisol production, then you probably have trouble falling asleep. If you are a slow starter in the morning, your adrenals are probably fatigued and can't make adequate cortisol to raise blood sugar and get you going in the morning.

The adrenals will go through phases of adaptation to stress beginning with elevated cortisol due to the initial stress. In the second stage, the adrenals will begin to use sex hormone precursors to make cortisol and DHEA will drop. The final stage is adrenal exhaustion/fatigue when the adrenals can no longer produce cortisol and DHEA. If you have adrenal gland dysfunction you may have the following symptoms:

Can't fall asleep

Can't stay asleep


Salt or sugar cravings


Slow to start in the morning


Weakened immune system


Need to eat to relieve fatigue

Irritable before meals

Shaky or lightheaded if meals are missed

Blurred vision

Crave caffeine or cigarettes

Feeling full or bloated



Varicose veins


Remember that the hormone aldosterone made in the adrenal cortex regulates blood volume through sodium retention and potassium excretion. If you have the following symptoms you have low aldosterone levels indicating adrenal gland dysfunction:

Craving salt

Fluid retention in the arms and legs

Pupils do not stay constricted when exposed to light

Rough or sandpaper tongue

Excessive urination - up to 15-20 times/day

Excessive sweating even without activity

Your natural physician will order a salivary hormone profile to measure cortisol production at four different times throughout the day. This allows your physician to observe adrenal gland dysfunction during all parts of the day and will dictate the type of treatment you will receive. Symptoms cannot adequately diagnose if the adrenals are in fatigue or if they are hyperfunctioning. This is why testing is so vital to properly assess adrenal gland function. In addition, it gives a baseline to compare to follow-up testing so treatment can be adjusted accordingly.

Blood sugar is intricately related to adrenal gland function and vice versa. Chronically elevated cortisol levels from adrenal stress will cause insulin receptor insensitivity. This basically means that when insulin binds to cell receptors to allow glucose (blood sugar) entry into the cell, the receptors may not respond which leaves sugar floating in the blood stream. Remember that excess sugar will be converted into fat and stored mainly around the abdomen, hips and thighs. This also puts extra stress on the pancreas to make more insulin to deal with the excess blood sugar which increases the risk of diabetes. As discussed earlier, cortisol is very important for blood sugar stability.

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which there is inadequate cortisol to raise blood sugar into the normal range. We usually see adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia together. Hypoglycemics develop symptoms of low blood sugar and need to eat something to normalize blood sugar levels. They may feel shaky, irritable, light-headed, fatigued or may crave sugar because their adrenal glands cannot raise blood sugar into the normal range. Once hypoglycemics rejuvenate their adrenal glands, the symptoms will subside. It's important for hypoglycemics to eat frequently throughout the day and not skip meals. Each meal should be a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats as a low-carb meal or too many carbs will further throw off blood sugar levels.

You may ask which comes first - adrenal dysfunction or blood sugar dysfunction? It doesn't matter because when one starts to become imbalanced so goes the other. This is also important to understand in treatment because both aspects should be addressed at the same time for optimal results.

So how does all this relate to optimal thyroid function? In the chapter on thyroid hormone physiology, we discussed the enzyme that converts inactive T4 (thyroxine) into active T3 (triiodothyronine). Remember that 93 percent of the hormone produced by the thyroid is inactive T4 until it is activated mainly in the liver by an enzyme. Cortisol directly inhibits this enzyme (5'-deiodinase) which converts inactive T4 into active T3. This in part can lead to low T3 levels. In addition, elevated cortisol will cause thyroid hormone receptor insensitivity meaning that even if T3 levels are adequate, they may not be able to bind normally to receptor sites. Cortisol will also increase the production of reverse T3 which is inactive. Cortisol can also lower the levels of protein that binds to thyroid hormone so it can circulate in a stable structure. Iodine, as you know from a previous chapter, is extremely vital to thyroid health but high levels of cortisol will increase the excretion of iodide from the kidney. And finally, elevated cortisol will inhibit TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) production by disrupting hypothalamic-pituitary feedback leading to suboptimal TSH production in the range of 1.0-1.5. Has your physician adequately assessed your adrenals before treatment? It is very irresponsible for any physician to treat thyroid hormone dysfunction without thoroughly assessing adrenal gland physiology and of course, blood sugar.

Regarding cortisol's effect on thyroid hormones, Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text, (8th edition), states: "Serum TSH, TBG (thyroid-binding protein), T4 and T3 concentrations are slightly decreased, albeit usually within the respective ranges of normal; serum free T4 values are normal."11

As discussed in our chapter on the liver, impaired detoxification can lead to abnormal thyroid function. Again, the adrenals come into play because elevated cortisol inhibits proper liver detoxification. It is sometimes necessary to support liver detoxification pathways while treating the adrenal glands and thyroid to optimize results and metabolize toxins, excess hormones and thyroid-disrupting chemicals. Signs of impaired liver detoxification include nausea, constipation, bloating, lack of response to treatment, acne, acne during menstrual cycle, medication sensitivity, and pale skin upon pressure.

There is also a powerful Adrenal-Gut connection as well. Elevated cortisol levels slowly eat away at the immune system that lines the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Cortisol also increases inflammation in the GI tract and prevents the cells that line the GI tract from regenerating which increases the risk of ulcers. This leads to increased infections from parasites, yeast, mold, fungi, viruses, and bacteria which further stresses the adrenal glands creating a vicious cycle. Leaky gut is another consequence of chronically elevated cortisol levels which is a condition in which gaps open in the intestinal barrier allowing undigested proteins and toxins to enter the bloodstream uninhibited. This puts a major stress on the body's immune system and can lead to immune dysfunction, adrenal stress, chronic fatigue and thyroid hormone imbalance.

Adrenals that are functioning at a low level tend to exhibit various symptoms and patterns. Adrenal-fatigued people usually have to run on caffeine and sugar throughout the day to keep going. They are dragging out of bed and say, "I need my coffee before I can do anything." This is a sad state because it indicates an extremely unhealthy individual who requires a legal drug just to function. These individuals crave sweets and crash many times throughout the day, especially in the afternoon, and need a "pick me up" such as another cup of coffee or something sweet. This further drives blood sugar and hormone imbalances leading to weight gain, insomnia, fatigue and an underactive thyroid gland. In addition, these people can usually fall asleep without problems but will wake up during the night. This happens because there is inadequate cortisol production to stabilize blood sugar so the adrenals release adrenaline instead which raises blood sugar but is also too stimulatory resulting in waking up and insomnia.

People with adrenal hyperfunctioning usually cannot fall asleep because there is too much cortisol production which has an excitatory effect on the nervous system. There are many possible causes of elevated cortisol that lead to too much cortisol production and eventually adrenal fatigue. The following cause adrenal stress:

  1. Anemia - red blood cells cannot deliver oxygen to body tissues

  2. Blood sugar imbalances

  3. Low cholesterol - statin medications such as Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor, etc.

  4. Infections

  5. Gums

  6. Urinary tract

  7. Gastrointestinal

  8. Mold, yeast or fungus

  9. Lyme Disease/Tick-Borne Infections

  10. Chronic virus

  11. Dehydration - especially in athletes or those who fly frequently (it is important to drink half of bodyweight in ounces of water every day)

  12. Poor dietary habits (skipping meals, high intake of simple carbohydrates, etc.)

  13. Eating foods you are sensitive/allergic to

  14. Leaky gut

  15. Liver detoxification issues

  16. Essential fatty acid deficiencies

  17. Not enough sleep

  18. Overexercise

  19. Emotional stressors (usually severe)

  20. Heavy metals

  21. Autoimmune adrenals

  22. Chronic use of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Prozac, etc.)

  23. Chronic pain

  24. Environmental toxin exposures - damages mitochondria

  25. Surgical menopause

  26. Chronic tissue injury or inflammation (autoimmune condition)

It takes a great deal of time and effort to do the proper detective work to find out why someone is ill. The supplements covered here are meant to complement diet and lifestyle changes. In order for a treatment plan to be successful, it is very important that the following guidelines are adhered to without deviation.

Adrenal stimulants will disrupt your treatment plan and consist of the following:

Inadequate sleep

Eating sugar/simple carbohydrates

Caffeine and decaffeinated beverages



Food allergies

Trans fats (hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils)

Artificial sweeteners

Excess exercise

As long as blood sugar levels are out of balance, it will be extremely difficult to restore proper adrenal function. Practice the following guidelines to ensure stable blood sugar levels:

  1. Always eat breakfast that includes more protein than carbohydrates

  2. Eat every two to three hours

  3. Snack on protein and fat such as nuts, eggs and seeds

  4. Do not drink juice - this includes ALL juices which are nothing more than plant sugar

  5. Consume protein at every meal

Blood sugar imbalances and a condition known as insulin resistance are major factors in optimizing thyroid and adrenal health. Insulin resistance basically means that insulin receptors are no longer able to respond to insulin. Insulin binds to receptors and allows blood sugar to enter cells. With insulin resistance, insulin's effects are negated leaving excess blood sugar. The following symptoms can indicate insulin resistance:


Sugar cravings

Abdominal obesity

High blood pressure

Inability to lose weight

Always feeling hungry

Fatigue after meals

Aches and pains all over

High cholesterol, glucose, and triglycerides

Low HDL ("good" cholesterol)

Remember that impaired liver detoxification can significantly affect optimal thyroid hormone function. Elevated insulin levels will reduce glutathione levels inhibiting the liver's ability to detoxify. This will affect the conversion of inactive T4 into active T3, increase thyroid-disrupting chemicals and may lead to excess estrogen levels which inhibit thyroid hormone function.

Thyroid hormone's main function is to regulate metabolism through the burning of sugar, fat and protein. Insulin resistance prevents adequate sugar transport into the cell decreasing the available fuel for energy production. This puts an increased strain on the thyroid to make more hormone and can eventually lead to hypothyroidism.

We have already discussed the importance of adrenal gland function and its relationship to optimal thyroid health. The following supplements will help to correct adrenal gland dysfunction. It's very important to have the adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA tested to ensure precise treatment. Adaptogens are compounds that help to normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. They will help adrenals that are in a state of fatigue, high stress or a combination of both. The feedback loop of the HPA axis is key in balancing adrenal hormones, and adaptogens are vital in healing this process.

Supplements That Help Correct Adrenal Gland Dysfunction

Magnolia & Phellodendron

Magnolia is a tree native to the rain forests of China. Its bark has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes including the regulation of stress and anxiety. Phellodendron grows in northeastern China and Japan. Together, these extracts restore cortisol and DHEA production in the adrenal gland. They bind to stress hormone receptors promoting relaxation and feelings of well-being.

Perilla oil & MCTs

These essential oils have natural stress-reducing effects. Perilla oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which stimulate repair and are anti-inflammatory. MCTs reduce cell acids and help to produce energy in the cell's mitochondria. MCTs are easy to assimilate and metabolize which is extremely important for those with delicate stomachs and impaired absorption.


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that is similar to panax ginseng. It has the ability to normalize adrenal stress syndromes. Stress responses can have many adverse affects on health and this herb will reduce these effects.


Eleutherococcus senticosus is an adaptogen that supports the HPA axis under times of stress as well as enhance athletic performance. Eleutherococcus will enhance physical work capacity as well as brain function when under stress.

Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng is also known as Korean ginseng and is an adaptogen. Panax ginseng optimizes the functioning of the HPA axis. It has been shown to enhance physical performance, stamina and energy production. Panax ginseng will shift metabolism into a fat-burning state as opposed to a sugar-burning state due to an increase in oxygen availability for muscles.


Rhodiola is popular in traditional Eastern European and Asian medical systems. Rhodiola is an adaptogen that has been shown to enhance immune function and brain function. It also has antidepressant properties, protects the heart and protects against cancer. Rhodiola will prevent adrenaline roller coasters due to high stress.

Holy Basil

Holy basil is an adaptogen that reduces cortisol production from stress, supports blood sugar, has antihistamine properties, optimizes the functioning of the HPA axis, improves the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier, improves immune function, and enhances athletic performance.


Pantethine is required for adrenal hormone production. However, it will not over-stimulate cortisol production under times of stress but has the opposite effect.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabara)

Licorice contains compounds that increase the half-life of cortisol which removes stress on the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol. It also has been shown to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and also reduce/minimize allergic responses. Licorice is antibacterial and antiviral. Due to estrogen's negative effect on thyroid function, licorice is of great benefit because it helps normalize estrogen metabolism.


Pregnenolone is the "mother of all hormones" and is made from cholesterol in the adrenal gland. Pregnenolone converts into cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Pregnenolone is a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to boost mood, improve memory and optimize brain function.


DHEA is made by the adrenal glands and will convert into estrogen and testosterone. In men, it will mainly convert into estrogen and in women, DHEA will mainly convert into testosterone. DHEA has its own effects including resensitizing insulin receptors, boosting the immune system, preventing bone loss, enhancing memory and lowering cholesterol. When under stress, the body will make cortisol at the expense of DHEA.


Phosphatidylserine's greatest benefit is its ability to lower cortisol levels by optimizing the brain's relationship with the adrenal glands. After only ten days of high doses of PS, research has shown that excessive cortisol levels can be decreased in healthy men. PS has also been shown to enhance brain function and memory, decrease anxiety and depression, improve mood, and enhance metabolism. It is also an antioxidant. It is very difficult for the body to make PS as it requires many nutrients for production. Supplementation is vital for optimizing adrenal function so cortisol cannot have its negative effects on the body and the thyroid.

Supplements that Balance Blood Sugar

Blood sugar imbalances will greatly influence the ability of your thyroid to function optimally. The following supplements are vital in balancing blood sugar.

Huckleberry/Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)

The extract from the leaves of this plant has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and has been used traditionally to treat diabetes.

Galega Officinalis (French lilac)

This plant has been utilized since the Middle Ages in the treatment of diabetes. French lilac lowers blood sugar by decreasing insulin resistance. Prescription medications for blood sugar control such as Metformin are derived from the active ingredients in French lilac.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema sylvestre has been shown to regenerate the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. This herb will enhance the effects of insulin, reduce fasting blood sugar, decrease the need for insulin and help with insulin resistance. It will not cause a state of hypoglycemia, however.


Chromium stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. It will also ensure optimal delivery of blood sugar into your cells. Deficiencies in this nutrient can lead to insulin resistance, high cholesterol and abnormalities in sugar's ability to bind to red blood cells.


Zinc's role in blood sugar management includes optimizing insulin metabolism, protecting insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas and improving insulin sensitivity which ensures optimal uptake of sugar into your cells.


Vanadium is very important for insulin resistance by improving transport of sugar into your cells due to its insulin-like effects on cell receptors.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)

ALA is another important nutrient for insulin resistance and is also a strong antioxidant. ALA increases energy production by your cells, optimizes sugar metabolism and lowers lactic acid levels.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E should not be taken in its alpha tocopherol form. Mixed tocopherols including gamma and delta tocopherol are the preferred form of delivery. Vitamin E improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood fats, is a powerful antioxidant and lowers the so-called "bad" LDL cholesterol.


Biotin is important in supporting the liver's utilization of sugar. This nutrient will enhance insulin's effects as well as lower blood sugar levels after meals.


Entire books have been written on the king of minerals. Magnesium is involved in approximately 350 reactions in the body and deficiencies in our society are rampant. Magnesium deficiency will lead to insulin resistance and abnormal sugar metabolism. Magnesium appears to enhance insulin secretion by the pancreas.


L-carnitine is a di-peptide compound that shuttles fatty acids in the cell to be burned as energy. Carnitine has similar effects on blood sugar by supporting sugar transport into cells.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

The Many Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan The Many Health Benefits of Resveratrol.

Resveratrol Helps Prevent Heart Disease:

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and the number one cause of death in the United States. Not only does Resveratrol strengthen cardiovascular performance, but it also prevents the absorption of copper (the deficiency of which can cause potential heart failure).

Resveratrol also possesess high antioxidant properties - anti oxidants prevent damage to your body cells and repair damage that has been done. In this way, Resveratrol helps maintain the heart's oxygen supply, prevents build up of plaque in the arteries, and halts the constriction of blood vessels.

Mayo Clinic Research has revealed that Resveratrol counteracts the development of "bad" cholesterol while promoting the growth of "good" cholesterol. In this way, Resveratrol dramatically lowers the risk of blocked arteries which cause a large percentage of heart attacks.

Resveratrol Helps Prevent Cancer:

Cancer is only second to Heart Disease in the leading causes of death. In fact, it's believed that Cancer will become the number-one cause of death in the world by the year 2010.

Researchers at the National Institute of Health have found that Resveratrol decreases the onset of tumors and the growth of different types of cancer cells, such as leukemia, prostate and skin cancer.

Resveratrol reduces the activation of proteins that are produced by a compromised immune system, which in turn can affect the growth of cancer cells. It also has the potential to fight breast cancer by acting as an alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy, because Resveratrol acts a natural selective estrogen receptor.

Resveratrol for Weight Loss:

Weight loss and fitness have become more important than ever as food portions increase and gym memberships decrease! The key to weight loss is reduced calories coupled with increased metabolism. Resveratrol has shown to activate the SiRT1 gene (the "skinny" gene), which inhibits fat storage and increases fat metabolism (the key to burning calories and losing weight). This means, instead of cutting calories and eliminating your favorite foods, you can regulate your weight by incorporating Resveratrol into your daily food plan.

Resveratrol Lowers Blood Sugar Levels:

7.8% of Americans have Diabetes, while others suffer from hypo- or hyperglycemia, all of which involve irregular blood sugar. Resveratrol may be a key factor in regulating and supporting healthy blood sugar levels by affecting the enzymes involved in regulating glucose. Resveratrol has also been shown to stabilize the level of enzymes in liver and kidney tissues that were lowered as a result of Diabetes.

Scientists have also discovered that Resveratrol helps protect blood vessels against cellular damage that results from high glucose levels associated with Diabetes. Researchers believe that Resveratrol will ultimately revolutionize the treatment of Diabetes in years to come.

Resveratrol Helps Prevent Kidney Diseases:

Strong cells are a necessary component in the production of enzymes. Tired or worn cells decrease the production of enzymes which can lead to renal failure and tissue damage in the kidneys. Resveratrol assists cells in the production of enzymes, thus preventing kidney disease and even restoring damaged kidneys.

Resveratrol for Sperm Production:

Low sperm count is often a result of the overproduction of estrogen. Excess estrogen in men causes a build up of body fat, decreased muscle mass and strength, as well as a decrease in testosterone. Low testosterone levels mean low sperm count. Resveratrol is a proven estrogen blocker, decreasing body fat and increasing sperm production.

Resveratrol Boosts the Immune System:

Healthy immune system = more energy and less disease, which = a happier, longer life! Resveratrol slows down aging of the immune system providing innumerous health benefits for young and old!

Resveratrol for Extended Life Span:

Research over the last 6 years has shown that Resveratrol consistently extends the life span of certain cells by up to 70%! In essence, Resveratrol acts as a conductor to weight loss, disease prevention, and immune system development.

Science has shown that incorporating Resveratrol into your daily diet can lengthen your days and increase the quality of your life!

Black Grape Biosciences is partnered with the National Foundation for Cancer Research in the fight against cancer. For more information, please visit [].

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

The Long Life List

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan The Long Life List.

If you are the type of person who thinks that becoming a octogenarian is only the beginning, then this list is for you. Here are some foods that you should include into your daily diet if you plan on living for a long time.

Dark Fruit

Red or purple fruits are packed with valuable flavonoids and Vitamin C which will help maintain your blood vessel elasticity. Black Grapes, blueberries, black cherries, blackberries and bilberries are all good examples of dark fruits.

Whole Grains

Whole grains keep your bowels regular and prevent liver processed toxins from reentering the blood stream. They are also great sources for Vitamin E and Vitamin B which benefit your nervous system. Good sources of whole grain are brown rice, porridge, and whole meal bread. Brown rice also contains a substance called methionine which forms a free radical fighting enzyme.


Cabbage family members are packed with chemicals that helps the liver break down toxins and pollutants that can cause cancer. They are also rich in free radical fighting carotenes as while as Vitamin K which helps bone repair and prevent s osteoporosis. Broccoli, brussel sprouts and winter greens are all good examples of the cabbage family.

Oily Fish

Oily Fish are a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids which are all important for keeping red blood cells from clumping and clogging up the blood vessels. They are also rich in zinc which can help prevent prostate problems in men. Sardines, mackerel, herring and sardines are all good examples of oily fish.

Soy Beans

When Fermented or digested, soy beans release genistein and daidzein which are substances that can help fight off cancer of the breast and prostate. They are also rich in plant estrogens, which make them invaluable as a natural hormone replacement for women undergoing menopause. Fermented soy products such as miso and tempeh are especially good for you and you can also get what you need from tofu, soy yogurt, soy flour, and soy milk.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are one of the best sources of selenium that you can find. Selenium is a mineral that your body need in order to make the antioxidant enzyme: glutathione peroxidase which helps protect your cells from free radical damage. Studies have indicated that a selenium rich diet can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease and help the kidneys filter toxins from your blood more efficiently. Aside from Brazil Nut, other selenium rich foods include whole grain cereals, seafood and seaweed.

Celery Juice

Juiced celery is a great way to reduce the over-acidity that can come with eating meat. Celery juice is also considered one of the best ways to prevent osteoarthritis. One to two glasses a day is recommended, but you can drink more if it seems to be helping.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are rich in magnesium, zinc and calcium which are all essentially ingredients needed to maintain health bones throughout your life. Mix them with your foods, or use tahini (sesame seed paste) instead of butter.

Organic Liver

Liver is packed with the anti ageing nutrients Vitamin A and Zinc which help prevent hormone deficiencies. Liver is also loaded with B Complex Vitamins including Folic Acid which can help prevent heart attack and keep Alzheimer's at bay. Liver is also rich in chromium which can help keep your blood sugar down. If you are not much of a meat eater, there are desiccated liver tablets available (although they are hard to find in organic form). Pregnant women should stay away from liver due to its high retinol content.


Staying hydrated in important, especially in a world full of stimulants like coffee, tea and alcohol which can dehydrate us and put stress on our kidneys. We need at least 8 glasses of the water a day to help flush out toxins, keep healthy and stay hydrated. If you exercise a lot, you may need to drink even more.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Diagnosis, Causes And Treatment Of Gynecomastia In Men

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan The Diagnosis, Causes And Treatment Of Gynecomastia In Men.

Gynecomastia is the development of female-like breast tissue and enlargement of the chest/breasts of a male. Both men and women are born with breast tissue, but this tissue stays very rudimentary and minimal in the male chest. The nipple/areola complex probably represents the most significant"reminder" of these tissues in the male that we normally recognize. More than 50% of newborn males have a feminine, plump look to their breasts which is a temporary form of gynecomastia (due to the effects of maternal estrogens) but this condition essentially disappears within 2 - 3 weeks of birth. However, several years later, the breast tissue in many young men will seem to suddenly develop and enlarge.This soon creates a mass-like effect in the breast which is then further accentuated by an increase in fat deposition. The fat which accumulates is actually a unique type of fat - it is distinctively thick, fibrous and dense.It is not like the normal, softer fat which is elsewhere on the body. The combination of this increased fibrous fat and increased breast tissue starts to make each breast look larger, fuller and more prominent. The breast can become so large that it even begins to droop a bit, just like a woman's would. The nipple/areola can also grow and become wide, large, "puffy" and projecting. A hard lump of breast tissue, sometimes as large as a golf ball, can often be felt behind the nipple/areola. The breast or nipple area can become very painful and tender, not unlike what many women experience during their menstrual cycle.

On rare occasions, a milky like secretion might even be expressible from the nipple. Gynecomastia is a physically and psychologically extremely disturbing condition which is diagnosed in thousands of young men each year. Young men who are increasingly embarrassed to ever be seen without a shirt on; some of whom can't even wear an ordinary t-shirt without feeling incredibly self-conscious or humiliated. They skip pool parties, avoid the gym, and pass on the beach trip. They can become overly quiet, isolated, withdrawn; even anti-social. In fact, there is recent research evidence revealing that many of these young men will develop features of mental illness requiring psychiatric evaluation and treatment. It makes sense - their lives are literally thwarted; hijacked by a physical condition that only gets worse with time, that they cannot fix by "working out" more or by dieting, and which undermines their confidence, identity issues and sense of masculinity.And this is all ongoing at the very same time - during adolescence - that these issues are already in turmoil! Gynecomastia typically first appears during adolescence but it often also affects older men. Yet,despite all the negatives, the treatment is often simple, results in a "cure", and these men, young or more mature, can then go on to lead normal, healthy happy lives just like all the other guys!

What causes gynecomastia in so many young men is not quite clear but we do know that it regularly occurs in some 50 - 60% of all adolescent males! Most experts feel it is related in some way to the tremendous surges in circulating hormones, possibly an "imbalance", or perhaps hormones are somehow "mis-processed" for a time. Fortunately, in most (about 75%) of these affected teenage boys, the gynecomastia will actually resolve without any treatment, on its own, within 1 - 2 years. However, for many the psychological and emotional toll is too high and simply demands intervention sooner. Parents are often unaware that any of this is occurring and might not understand where the sudden terrible change in behavior and attitude has come from in their teenage son. After treatment, the change for the positive is typically just as dramatic. For about one in four boys affected by gynecomastia, the condition does not spontaneously resolve and persists. Then it gradually gets just a little worse, year after year. This is because a repeating vicious cycle of recurrent inflammation, tissue stimulation and increased fibrous fat and breast gland growth occurs, becoming almost self-perpetuating, even in the absence of adolescent hormonal level swings.

Many commonly prescribed medications have been linked to gynecomastia: Anti-ulcer/reflux medications (e.g. Pepcid, Prilosec, Zantac, Tagamet), ACE inhibitors for hypertension (e.g. Capoten, Vasotec), Calcium Channel Blockers (e.g. Procardia), and Diuretics (e.g. Lasix, Aldactone). Valium, Proscar, Effexor, Motrin, Pepcid, and Digoxin are other common medication examples as well. Some chemotherapy agents may also cause gynecomastia, and the "HAART" therapy used for AIDS patients has also been determined to be a cause. Many medical conditions (e.g. hyperthyroidism, liver failure/cirrhosis, pituitary insufficiency, or kidney failure requiring hemodialysis) and even some tumors (e.g. testicular, adrenal and pituitary) all of which may affect circulating male hormone levels and which can also cause gynecomastia should be considered. Interestingly, malnutrition and starvation can also cause gynecomastia - circulating testosterone levels drop off rapidly, leaving unopposed estrogen effects on the body under such conditions. Self administered and abused anabolic steroids and testosterone supplementation are, unfortunately, probably the most common cause of gynecomastia today- special enzymes in the male system convert a good amount of the "extra" hormones floating around into estrogens which then directly stimulate the growth of the breast tissue and the development of gynecomastia. Unfortunately, once this process starts, even when the steroids are discontinued, the gynecomastia remains or can worsen as the vicious cycle described above begins and allows the gynecomastia to persist and progress. Alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana, heroin and methadone use are also recognized as causes of gynecomastia. Plant oils, such as Lavender oil and tea tree oil as often found in soap, skin lotions, and shampoo, have weak estrogen-like activity and have been implicated in cases of gynecomastia. Similarly, soy beans, soy containing foods and soy based protein supplements as well as sweet potatoes in the diet have all been identified as potential links in the development of gynecomastia thought secondary to the effects of the estrogen-like compounds associated with these foods.

Although rare, breast cancer can occur in the male breast and should be especially considered in the case of an enlargement and solid mass effect on just one side or for the older male with one or both breasts enlarged and where no other reasonable medical explanation exists.

"Pseudogynecomastia" is not a true gynecomastia since it is not characterized by actual excessive breast tissue development but simply significant fat deposition in the chest and breasts, usually in association with similar deposits elsewhere, such as the sides of the chest ( along/near the "lats") or the abdomen and hips ( or "love handles"). This is really a localized fat deposition problem affecting the chest and, as is the case with troublesome fat found on the body anywhere, may be "cured" by diet, exercise, or liposuction.

A majority of the time, liposuction will be the foundation of any treatment plan for eliminating gynecomastia. In fact, in most cases, the only treatment which may be needed will be liposuction! Tiny armpit area nicks are used to liposculpt the chest - removing the fibro-fatty deposits while reshaping the entire breast to be more masculine. The goals are to get the breast and the nipple/areola to lay as flat as possible against the chest while simultaneously, the pectoral muscles are somewhat accentuated in the upper chest. Most men will only need a day or two off to recover. A couple of weeks for everything to "stick down" and taking it easy with chest muscle use is about it. The nick sites will usually heal to be very inconspicuous, nearly invisible. Liposuction of the outer chest and sides (out toward the "lats") is often incorporated to further accentuate the overall flattening effect on the chest.

It is typically best to have this type of liposuction performed using either ultrasonic (e.g. Vaser) or laser-assisted (e.g. SmartLipo) techniques. These methods allow for a "melting" of the fat that makes it easier to extract. In addition, the ultrasonic or laser energy can be used to "break up" the dense breast tissue, allowing it to compress, collapse and flatten as is aesthetically desired. Lastly, a better tightening and "snap-back" effect on the skin is also created by these technologies as they heat and "shrink wrap" the collagen on the inside surface, inducing it to retract properly. This is a significant benefit because over time gynecomastia typically causes the overlying skin of the breasts to stretch out, eventually leaving the skin lax and inelastic. Without the use of special technology, this pre-existing limited skin tone would then render the skin only even more loose once the fat is removed. The dense nature of the fibrous fat found in gynecomastia makes it much more difficult to remove by simple mechanical style liposuction than would be the case for "normal", soft fat. More difficult means more traumatic (i.e. hurts more, bruises more and swells more post-op), more likely to risk contour deformities (i.e. too much out here, not enough out there), more likely to result in asymmetry between the sides, more numbness (because the nerves get more beat up, too!) and more expense (i.e. takes longer). Moreover, traditional mechanical liposuction is virtually useless for making any headway in the contouring of the breast tissue itself and it will have very limited effect (if any) on fighting the tendency of the skin to be loose or hanging. This creates a greater chance that the surgeon will have to resort to more invasive and aggressive methods such as actual mass excision or even skin removal and a male-type breast reduction. Very often, these aggressive procedures can be obviated by the proper use of ultrasonic or laser-assisted liposuction.

Nevertheless, many cases of gynecomastia are associated with a hard lump of gristle-like breast tissue that will not flatten or come out unless it is "cut out". Sometimes this is predictable by examination pre-op, but sometimes the breast is overall so hard and dense that the lump cannot be detected until significant liposuction has been performed and the lump has been "revealed". Excision of the lump behind the nipple requires an incision. Some cosmetic surgeons prefer an incision placed in the perimeter of the areola, others will try to hide the incision as a slightly larger version of the liposuction armpit "nick" access. Needing a mass excision adds a bit to the recovery and adds more risk for potential complications (such as fluid accumulation, numbness and long-term contour deformities) post-op. A drain may need to be used and removed in a day or two. The recovery restrictions and time-off are correspondingly more strict.

In more severe cases of breast enlargement and skin tissue laxity, a male-style breast reduction may have to be considered. If the surgeon believes that there is just too much loose skin and that the risk for having wrinkled, hanging, drooping chest skin post-op is too high, this will be recommended. This requires much more extensive incisions, more risk, more scars, more expense, a longer procedure and more of a recovery. Breast tissue removal and lax skin removal are designed so as to create a proper, flat shape. Drains are commonly used and will have to be removed at some point as will be the non-dissolvable sutures needed for this more involved and complex surgery. The discomfort and recovery for a male-style breast reduction is more significant than is the case for the other methods, but if it is needed, it is very worthwhile.

Once healing and recovery are complete, all normal activities can be resumed. Weight lifting, exercise, and sports are all a go. Hopefully, so will be the locker room, the pool, the beach and the confidence level! It may take several months for any small areas of unevenness, numbness or stiffness to finally sort out but usually it is without any interventions needed. However, even the immediate "early" results of treatment are typically quite gratifying. Gynecomastia, once definitively treated as described here, should be "cured" and should never return. However, if circumstances, medical conditions, medications, etc. which may have caused the condition in the first place persist or recur, the process may be re-initiated as well.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

Ten Things to Do Before Trying to Conceive

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan Ten Things to Do Before Trying to Conceive.

Have you and your companion decided to become parents? People worry all the time about the changes they have to make while being pregnant. However, there are things you should focus on before even trying. You must wait for a month or two and do these 10 things in order to prepare your routine, lifestyle and body for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Have a healthy diet:

Have an intake of nourishing and healthy foods in order to prepare your body with all the nutrients needed for pregnancy. Have two cups of fruit and two and a half cups of vegetables daily. If you can afford it, buy organic because it is proved to be more nutritional. In addition have an abundance of whole grain foods such as brown rice, wholemeal bread, milk, orange juice and yogurt because they will provide you with the calcium you need. Avoid high mercury fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish. Methyl mercury in large amounts can damage your babys brain. However fish is still provides a great supply of protein and therefore you should have twelve ounces of low mercury fish a week. Examples include canned light tuna or salmon. Also try oily fish such as sardines and mackerel.

It is very important to have an intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid for at least a month prior to trying to get pregnant and beginning your first trimester. By doing this you will prevent the chance by 70 percent of your baby being born with neuraltube damage like spina bifida, which currently affects 1 in 1,500 babies born in the UK. Folic acid supplements may be purchased at drug stores. You may also take prenatal or standard multivitamin. However, make sure the latter does not withhold more than 770 mcg RAE (2565 IU) of vitamin A if its a type of beta-carotene, because it may cause birth defects. Foods such as leafy green vegetables, Brussels sprouts, bran flakes, black-eyed beans, papaya and broccoli are all good food sources for folic acid.

Refrain from consuming coffee, tea and colas. Caffeine reduces your ability to absorb the iron you require for pregnancy and enhances the danger of having a stillbirth. However if your body is too used to having these drinks on a regular basis, then cutting of suddenly may give you headaches. Switch to decaf and if thats not enough then try half decaf or half caffeinated drinks. Cut back a cup a day. Steamed milk with syrup is a good alternative because it provides your body with the calcium it needs..

Stay away from unpasteurized soft cheeses and dairy products, luncheon and deli meats, raw undercooked fish and poultry such as shellfish, and unpasteurized juices. The harmful bacteria and microorganisms in these foods can cause listeriosis, salmonella or E.coli, which lead to stillbirths and miscarriages.

Avoid Medications and Harmful Intoxicants:

Stop taking birth control. This can be easily done, however, stopping hormonal contraception needs more planning. Complete your current pack of The Pill to stop irregular bleeding.. Sometimes it takes months for your cycle to normalize, other times you become fertile the first month, most likely if you are under thirty. It will take some time for you to figure out how long your cycle is, and when you are most fertile. Contraceptive patch and ring can take up to a year.

There are many drugs that can influence sperm production, while everyday medications like anti-depressants, antibiotics, acne treatments and steroids can disturb your fertility. Some drugs remain in your system for months even after stopping use. See your doctor or health advisor to find out which prescribed drugs you need to stop using.

You must not smoke, take drugs or drink alcohol. Some drugs remain in your system long after their effects have disappeared and therefore you must stop immediately. Even second hand smoke can be harmful for your pregnancy. Indulging in these activities leads to miscarriage, untimely birth and unhealthy babies. Tobacco use also limits fertility, affects your fallopian tubes and drops the sperm count. Alcohol loads calories and weight, and does not allow you to have stable blood sugar required for hormone production.

Having a healthy weight:

Conceiving becomes much easier when you have a healthy weight. Make sure your BMI (body mass index) is between 20 and 30. A healthcare provider can show you how to best achieve your desired weight if you are not in shape.

Excess weight affects hormone production that is required to ovulate and consequently get pregnant. Oestrogen released by fat cells reduces the production of FSH, a hormone necessary for getting pregnant. Being underweight will not allow you to ovulate on a regular basis create an adequate amount of hormones to initiate pregnancy

Follow a fitness plan to have a healthy body that's ready for pregnancy. This means at least sixty minutes of physical activity like walking, jogging, cycling, weight training or yoga. By doing this you will relive the stress that accompanies the process of getting pregnant, and have a flexible, healthy body. You should continue your routine even after getting pregnant. If your body is not used to such a routine then start with a short exercise such as taking twenty minute walks. Change your activity to become more and more rigorous everyday.

Be in a healthy environment:

Be hygienic and avoid infections by washing your hands repeatedly and wear gloves when doing dirty jobs such as digging in the garden or sandbox. Avoid activities such as cleaning the litter box because the risk getting toxoplasmosis is dangerous for the baby.

Wash your hands regularly when cooking food and set your fridge at the temperature of 35 and 40 degrees F (2 to 4 degrees C) and your freezer under 0 degrees F (-18 degrees C) to make sure food does not go bad.

Make sure that your daily job is not harmful for your baby. Chemicals, radiation, cleaning products, pesticides, solvents, lean in drinking water from old pipes are hazardous for the baby. Discuss this with a doctor or midwife and see what changes need to be made.

Avoid X rays and other such treatments during this time, as they can be harmful for your baby.

Have the necessary check ups:

Hormonal changes such as increased progesterone and estrogen levels during pregnancy can make you more vulnerable to gum infections, and bring about different result to the bacteria in plaque, causing pregnancy gingivitis where the gums are bloated, bleeding or sensitive. This occurs to half the women who become pregnant. Women with the tooth condition periodontal disease are seven times more expected to give birth to underweight babies. Get a check up from a dentist to prevent these complications before getting pregnant.

Have a preconception check up with your regular healthcare advisor. You will be discussing your familys medical history, medication your are taking, diet, weight, exercise, suggested prenatal vitamin, update your immunizations, tested for immunity from the diseases you have had in the past such a rubella and chicken pox, possibly have a pelvic exam and a pap smear if it has been more than a year since your last check up, be tested for sexually transmitted diseases if at risk and possibly get genetic testing upon your wish to detect sickle cell disease, Tay-Sachs, cystic fibrosis etc.

If you see signs of depression such as loss of pleasure in activities that used to be enjoyable, a change in diet, sleep pattern and loss of energy, feelings of despair and hopelessness and worthlessness then check your mental health with a therapist or psychiatrist. Women with depression are more likely to have problems with fertility. Do a mental health check before you get pregnant especially if you have a personal or family history of depression.

Do your own research:

Do some research on your family's health history. Find out if there is a history of genetic or chromosomal disorders such as Down syndrome, sickle call anemia, cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease or bleeding disorders, mental retardation, developmental delays or anatomical birth defects like cardiac or neural tube defects.

Know your cycle. The average length is 28 day but it varies from 25 to 35 days in most women. Symptoms such as tender breasts, abdominal pain and increased libido can indicate when you are ovulating. You can calculate your ovulation day. You may start charting your basal body temperature and the changes in your cervical mucus. By keeping a record for several months you can figure this out. Purchase a special thermometer available at certain drugstores and record it when you wake up in the morning before getting out of bed. Ovulation predictor kits can also help but these are expensive.

Start thinking about the costs:

Contact your health insurance company and consider the cost of having a baby. Take a look at prenatal coverage, the cost of going out of network, the cost of a particular doctor or midwife, deductibles for prenatal visits and delivery, and insurance coverage of tests and procedures. Vaginal delivery costs around 7000 dollars, a cesarean section costs around 11,000 dollars and neonatal intensive care can cost around 3000 dollars per day without insurance.

Contact a financial advisor to find out the cost of raising a child and about saving. Families that make around 50,000 dollars a year are likely to spend around 200,000 dollars to raise a child.

Keep a check on your partner:

Keep a check in your partner too. Make sure that the limitations you set for yourself, you also make him follow. Caffeine, alcohol and weight have influence on the sperm as well as the eggs. A man's fertility can cause as many delays in conceiving as a woman's. Make sure he isn't stressed out and is eating healthily. Sperm production and quality is connected to a good healthy diet. Vitamin tablets such as Wellman tablets will advance his energy levels and make conception easier.

Have sex:

Have regular sex before you start trying. By getting comfortable with this activity on a regular basis, you will not have a problem when you need to have sex at certain amounts in order to conceive. Having sex with the intention to conceive can bring a lot of stress and pressure, so make sure you enjoy it. Buy some lingerie and feel sexy. It is suggested that women are more fertile when they are aroused so don't let it become a chore and have fun with it.

Mentally prepare yourself:

This is a big change in your life. There are many things you need to be sure about. Some of the things you should think about and discuss with your partner are about being equally committed about doing this, about religious differences affecting the child, giving up sleep, childcare responsibilities, balancing work and family, parenting a special needs child and hiring babysitters.

Are your prepared to dedicate yourself to these changes and responsibilities?

You may release stress by talking to a friend and confiding your emotions with them. They will support you and share your feeling of anticipation and excitement.

Have fun. Do all the crazy things you will have to avoid once you are pregnant. Ride a horse, Go on a rollercoaster. Treat yourself for this exciting journey to come.

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

Steps to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance and Slowing Symptoms of Aging

Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan Steps to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance and Slowing Symptoms of Aging.
  • * Exercise 15 minutes or more each day with resistance training. Work out with little or no rest between sets, employing sufficient repetitions to get a training effect for your heart and lungs.
  • * Take sports performance supplements such as Estroblock with I3C for body balance and trans-dermal creams containing DIM, Indol-3 Carbinol, Chrysin and Calcium D-Glucarate, to clear excess estrogens.
  • * Use a trans-dermal cream to sustain longer action of activity from supplements. "Strength Energy" is a performance cream created for men and women for anti-aging and better sex! It contains ingredients to increase testosterone, DHEA, pregnenolone, and estrogen- and DHT-clearing phyto-chemicals, such as DIM, chrysin and beta sitosterol.
  • * Achieve a balanced ratio of testosterone, estrogen and DHT, with diet, exercise and supplements.
  • * Use raw vegetables and fruit in a blended drink, soups and salads. I eat vegetables, sprouts, soaked nuts, seeds, fruit, salads, and low-heat soups. Start every morning with a 60-ounce blended Slim Smoothie (email or call for my super-heath recipe).
  • * Ensure your intake of protein is adequate. I use 80-90 grams of quality protein a day by adding newly discovered derivatives of protein from Goat (least allergic protein and closely matched to human needs), lobster protein powder concentrate and fixed plant nitrogen called "Massively Lean." We use a scope of "Massively Lean" added to a recipe of raw vegetables and berries. Also, I get the often "overlooked" protease enzymes by eating more raw food. I get my protein from whole foods, preferable raw, protease-concentrated vegetables and fruit, along with avocados, sprouted nuts, and seeds. The enzymes within are necessary for utilization and absorption. In other words, it's not how many grams of protein you ingest, its how many you absorb.
  • * Drink plenty of water. Consume water-rich foods. I drink large amounts of water with a pinch of salt so that my urine runs clear. A little bit of salt is needed to retain fluids in the tissues where they belong.
  • * Identify delayed food allergies. I believe eating foods that you are compatible with is best. Use a specialized IgG test to find out! My personal diet limits dairy, meat, and animal products to no more than twice a week. I minimize my intake of bread, pasta, and other processed foods.
  • * Balance all of your key hormones: melatonin, DHEA, pregnenolone, insulin, testosterone, DHT, estradiol, 2OHE, and 16-alphaOHE, SHBG, cortisol, IGF-1, thyroid and free T3.
  • * Use only natural, bio-identical hormones in a hormone replacement therapy program.
  • * Use hormones to support ideal youthful levels, and monitor for deficiencies or excesses.
  • * Use multiple, low dosage hormones, in combination, for maximum benefits. Hormones work together in harmony.
  • * Maintain healthy thyroid levels. Under-active thyroid is often under-diagnosed and under-treated. This manifests in many ways. Complete and effective thyroid support, relies on the utilization of active T3 (not the bound T4 that non-anti-aging physicians prescribe).

  • * Maintain adrenal health for proper production of cortisol, to regulate blood sugar, insulin, amino and free-fatty acid modulation. I use an excellent natural adrenal complex supplement before my workout to keep high energy, increase alertness, keep me fit and reduce my "big" appetite. (E-mail or call me)
  • * Reduce stress and focus energy positively.
  • * Get plenty of sleep to rejuvenate the hormones that regulate every cellular, organ, and system function of your body.
  • * By taking our Power, Energy, Balance pack plan to have more sexual activity with better quality. The average man over the age of 40 engages in sex only four times a month. However, those with the most frequent orgasms (three times a week or more) have a lower rate of mortality rate. One of the first signs of premature aging is erectile dysfunction that requires prescription medication treatment. Instead, seek out natural methods that a qualified anti-aging physician or health practitioner can recommend.
  • * 152 million men worldwide, suffer from Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and only 13% have sought medical assessment. ED is a consequence of aging, but rather than cover it up with a medicine, work on getting to the cause of the problem. Many men with ED have blocked arteries and are at greater risk for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, or hypertension.
  • * Have regular early screenings to identify and treat, disease, in their early stages. Insist that your physician perform a full lipid panel, carotid artery scan and cardiac workup every year. The leading causes of death in the US are heart disease and stroke-CVA (Cerebral-vascular-accidents), aptly nicknamed "silent killers."
  • * Monitor your progress with an anti-aging doctor or health practitioner, trained by Ultimate Medical Research who is a member of the A4M and preferably is credentialed by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine or American Board of Anti-Aging Health Professionals, respectively. Contact the A4M at to locate a physician in your geographical area.
  • * Always check with your primary care physician before embarking on any new, or changes in your dietary, exercise, or lifestyle habits.
  • Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    Step by Step Strategies to Remove Man Boobs

    Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan Step by Step Strategies to Remove Man Boobs.

    I remember mocking girls for sporting hairy growth on their faces. I could have never guessed that one day I would be in the same boat, embarrassed to show my face outside or rather, to be accurate, and to show my chest to the whole wide world. Man boobs is an issue you need to tackle on a war footing before it becomes too large for you to hide under that loose fitting shirt.

    Man boobs or Gynecomastia as per the medical term is not a critical issue. But it is not something that men are comfortable with. Yeah, there is nothing seriously wrong with man boobs like any form of pain or side effects. But it is a social dilemma. Think about it, would you be more comfortable knowing that you can enjoy a carefree life or would you rather think up of means and methods to hide the boobs from plain sight? If so, how long do you plan to continue down this road? If you're serious about tackling this issue before it becomes a headache, read on to learn how.

    Imagine being scared of removing your shirt at the gym or in front of friends. It's worse if you are dating. How long can a man carry on like this? The next thing you know, there would be questions about your sexuality. Guys, if you have this problem then it's time to get rid of it. You can remove man boobs through an array of procedures. Don't let this become a social taboo for you.

    There are surgical, medical and natural cures for curing this problem. Here are some steps to remove man boobs-


    Before resolving to pills or any other surgical procedures I always suggest that you try out natural remedies first. The first step involves trying to exercise and change your diet. You would be amazed to see how much your body structure can change with exercising and healthy eating.

    Since you have a problem of excessive fat deposits on the chest area, I recommend you do more of cardio, strength training and weight lifting. This will help you tone up the chest muscles and reduce fat from them. Eat low fat diets that are rich in proteins and vitamins to remove man boobs. Have protein shakes if your protein consumption is not adequate. Do remember that:

    • Protein helps in faster loss of weight and building of muscles

    • Combine some cardiovascular exercises in the regime

    • Cardio exercises are one of the best ways of reducing fat

    • Stay away from red meats and reduce alcohol consumption


    Breast reduction pills like Gynexin are very popular to remove man boobs. They work fast and hardly have any side effects. It is best to consume them in conjunction with exercises and healthy eating. These pills increase metabolism rate and burn fat in the chest area. Anti-estrogen treatment is also given to alleviate this issue.


    Some individuals are not able to remove man boobs via the above two procedures. Hence, they may have to undergo a surgery. However, surgery should be considered as a last resort. With the right exercises and pills you should be able to remove man boobs easily.

    Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.

    Prohormones - A Comprehensive Guide

    Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan Prohormones - A Comprehensive Guide.

    Prohormones are compounds which, technically speaking, are converted via an enzymatic process to anabolic hormones in the body. As such they have similar effects in the body to anabolic steroids, causing rapid muscle and strength gains, but of a lesser magnitude due to the rate limiting effect caused by the enzyme conversion. However, this technical definition is considered somewhat out of date due to the advances which have occurred in supplement science since the introduction of the first prohormone androstenedione. Instead, nowadays the term prohormones commonly covers not just precursors to steroid hormones but also covers compounds active in their own right and which require no conversion to a different hormone to engender an anabolic effect. In this article the term 'prohormone' will cover all products which work via a hormonal mechanism to cause anabolic effects.

    First Base

    Prohormones were introduced into the supplement market in 1996 by Patrick Arnold who brought the prohormone androstenedione to the market. Androstenedione certainly generated a lot of excitement in the athletic world and is heavily linked in the popular press with baseball players such as Mark McGwire whose use of the supplement first brought notoriety both to that sport and garnered the attention of lawmakers in the USA. Androstenedione was rapidly followed by a number of compounds - androstenediol, norandrostenediol, 1-4-androstadienedione and 5 alpha androstenediol to name a few. These all had different effects profiles, some being converted to testosterone in the body after their ingestion, while others were converted in the body to target hormones such as nandrolone, boldenone, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

    Eventually, Arnold introduced the prohormone 1-ad, which converted into a hormone called 1-testosterone. This was the first prohormone considered to be of comparable effectiveness to illegal steroids such as Winstrol or Primobolan. At this time prohormones had advanced considerably since the introduction of androstenedione (widely considered within bodybuilding to be pretty worthless). Following the introduction of 1-ad, the prohormone market changed dramatically. Realising that the process of enzymatic conversion meant that prohormones were necessarily weaker than taking an equal amount of the target hormone they converted into, some supplement companies began to avoid the use of hormone precursors, and began introducing onto the market products such as 1-testosterone (the hormone which 1-ad would convert to) and, eventually, methyl-1-testosterone (M1T), which was a 17-alpha alkylated or methylated hormone. In layman's terms this meant that it was highly resistant to breakdown in the liver, and was the most powerful product on the market, causing rapid strength and muscle gains even for long-time steroid users, as well as causing a host of deleterious side effects such as high blood pressure, and elevation of liver enzymes.

    The End of the Beginning

    Many in the supplement industry argued that the proliferation of powerful products such as M1T would eventually cause negative publicity to attach itself to the supplement industry. They were proven right and eventually the US congress passed into law the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 which effectively classed all the products then on the market as illegal drugs on a par with anabolic steroids. By early 2005 they had been removed from the market.

    Prohormone Characteristics

    A breakdown of the actions of individual prohormones follows so this section will only encompass actions attributable to all classes of prohormone products. This in itself could be an article in its own right so here is the condensed version.

    Prohormones exert their effects through multiple pathways but the ones that are most important to people are their actions via their effects on the body's androgenic, oestrogenic and progestogenic receptors. It is through these that their effects are largely mediated and their interaction with other pathways is of secondary importance. Most prohormones, like anabolic steroids, are androgen agonists meaning they work via their effect on the androgen receptor. A strong androgen receptor agonist will mean effects related to the male hormone testosterone will be particularly prominent - notably increased aggression, sex drive, increased risk of hair loss and acne. Linked to these is large increases in muscle strength, strong muscle gains of a dry nature, and a hardening effect on the muscles. Oestrogenic and progestogenic effects tend to be similar - prohormones that convert to oestrogen and progesterone can cause large increases in mass and strength but much of the mass is of a poor quality visually and such gains often disappear rapidly as they are associated with water retention more than anything else. Oestrogenic side effects are feared by bodybuilders and include increased water weight, increased susceptibility to fat gain in the presence of high oestrogen and worst of all, from a cosmetic standpoint, gynecomastia.

    It should be stated that while there are some products which are almost exclusively androgenic in nature with little to no risk of oestrogenic/progestogenic side effects, the reverse is not true, in that compounds with high affinity for oestrogen and progesterone receptors will still have an impact on the androgen receptor. You will often hear of prohormones being called androgenic or oestrogenic or even both, but it should be stated this is often based on their primary method of action and that all will have an androgenic effect at some level. Apart from this, prohormones will differ in their impact on other variables. Typically strong androgens are useful for promoting strength gains via the central nervous system (CNS) stimulation, independent of their anabolic or muscle building effects. All prohormones will promote enhanced red blood cell production which is why users of prohormones typically experience great pumps and vascularity. Generally speaking, liver toxicity is a concern only for methylated, oral compounds, which is most prohormones nowadays but even then, as the list below shows, they can differ by a wide degree in magnitude of effect.

    Prohormones Today

    Since the removal of the first generation of prohormones, supplement companies have worked hard to create products which could provide an anabolic effect while complying with the requirements of the 2004 law. One of the most important considerations was to ensure that not only did they manufacture a product that was effective and legal, but also safe, as the slew of methylated prohormones released in the wake of M1T were certainly of doubtful safety given their noted negative effects on a range of body tissues.

    Today we have a number of products on the market which have been around for some time and in favour with bodybuilders and athletes alike. To make things easy we will refer to the compounds by their brand names:

    Halodrol- 50 (4-chloro-17a-methyl-1,4-diene-3,17 diol)

    Halodrol-50 was introduced to the bodybuilding world by Gaspari Nutrition and is a prosteroid of Turinabol, the banned East German designer steroid. Although Halodrol is no longer available, there are generic equivalents today such as Competitive Edge Labs H-Drol or EST Hemadrol. The typical dose for products such as H-Drol is 50mg a day, which equates to one tablet daily.

    Effects: solid gains in muscle and strength, often taken while dieting to aid preservation of muscle mass.

    Side effects: considered stressful on the liver and can raise blood pressure significantly in users.

    Havoc/Epistane (2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol)

    RPN's product Havoc and IBE's Epistane were introduced at practically the same time and considered interchangeable by many. However, it should be noted that even when two products are identical, users can experience different effects depending on the quality of the isomer, manufacturing process and so on. With Havoc and Epistane they are chemically very slightly different 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol 2 (Havoc), and 2, 3a-epithio-17a-methyletioallo cholan-17b-ol (Epistane). Dosages are usually in the 20-50mg range.

    Effects: useful for promoting solid, lean muscle gains with a concomitant reduction in oestrogen leading to a drier physique, and significant strength gains. This will contribute to the vascularity users typically report. Havoc and Epistane are also sometimes used purely to combat gynecomastia as they act in the body as an anti oestrogen, so that endogenous testosterone levels are less suppressed by this compound than other prohormones.

    Side effects: less hepatoxic and damaging to lipid levels than other orals but the usual androgenic and oestrogenic side effects associated with prohormones remain a possibility.

    Pheraplex (17a-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol)

    Pheraplex is a brand name of Anabolic Xtreme (AX). This product is also sold by Competitive Edge Labs as P-plex as well as Phera-Vol by EST. Typically dosed at 20-30mg a day.

    Effects: gains with this product tend to be of a 'wet' nature, in other words, you will see some weight gain due to water retention.

    Side effects: it is a risk for anyone with gynecomastia due to the fact it aromatizes to oestrogen and is considered to be both hepatoxic and bad on lipid levels.

    Methoxy-TST (17b-methoxytrienosterone)

    This product was brought to the market by Bioscience Technologies and is usually dosed at 6-12mg to see results.

    Effects: not a strong bulking product unless doses are pushed high despite its androgenic profile. In this respect it is not dissimilar to AAS such as Masteron and Proviron which are not efficient for bulking.

    Side effects: androgenic side effects such as hair loss are reported quite frequently and many users report a damaging effect on libido.

    Ergomax LMG (17-methyl-delta-2-etioallocholane & 17-methyl-delta-3-etioallocholane)

    Introduced by ALRI, this is another 'wet' prohormone dosed at 20-40mg usually.

    Effects: this compound is quite similar to Pheraplex so is useful for someone wanting to gain mass quite quickly of indeterminate quality.

    Side effects: can cause gynecomastia, and has a detrimental effect on liver and lipid values, cycles should be kept short.

    M-1,4ADD (17a-methyl-1,4-androstadiene-3,17diol)

    This compound has recently been reintroduced by Competitive Edge Labs among others and is from the old school of prohormones - a classic wet bulker which converts into Dianabol.

    Effects: this is a good choice for rapid mass and strength gains but the gains will tend to cause smoothness due to the water retention it causes.

    Side effects: this compound can promote both androgenic and oestrogenic side effects so anyone with a predisposition to hair loss or gynecomastia should probably avoid this.

    11-Oxo (andrenosterone, 11-oxo-androstenedione)

    11-Oxo was developed by Ergopharm, whose founder Patrick Arnold first brought prohormones to the bodybuilding market. 11-Oxo is noted for its ability to lower cortisol levels. It is dosed at between 300-600mg a day with 450mg typical.

    Effects: used mainly as a recomposition agent and to promote fat loss.

    Side effects: although it can cause the same side effects as other prohormones, it is considered very mild in this regard so a good choice for people looking to diet with minimal side effects.

    Propadrol (12-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-diene)

    This was formulated by EST Nutrition. It is usually dosed at 90mg a day.

    Effects: noted to be good for reducing body fat and for promoting rapid strength and muscle gains.

    Side effects: relatively mild with this compound, although those who worry about gyno or androgenic side effects should exercise caution.

    Methoxy-TRN (17b-Methoxy-Trienbolone)

    ALRI introduced this compound and this is dosed at 3-6mg typically.

    Effects: Reviews are mixed on this product but those who like it often experience very good muscle and strength gains allied to a reduction in body fat.

    Side effects: Being both quite androgenic and estrogenic it should be used with caution and remedies to combat hair loss and gyno are worth considering.

    Max LMG (13-ethyl-3methoxygona-2, 5(10)-dien-17-one)

    Another ALRI product. This is usually dosed at around 100mg a day.

    Effects: rapid gains in bulk of a wet nature due to its progestogenic nature are possible. Great for those needing fast weight gain.

    Side effects: one to avoid for anyone worried about a quality looking physique, gyno, or hair loss.

    3-AD (2-androstenol acetate)

    Anabolic Xtreme introduced this product into the bodybuilding world. Usually dosed at around 4-6 capsules a day, 3-AD also contains other products but the active prohormone is 2-androstenol acetate.

    Effects: good overall mass gainer. Gains are a little wet but not too bad for those worried about oestrogen.

    Side effects: it is not the worst but oestrogenic and androgenic side effects remain a possibility.

    What is best for me?

    So here we come to the part where readers ask 'which is the best prohormone to take and when?' It is not possible, nor advisable, to offer specific advice on such a subject. People need to consider their own objectives and risk factors before taking any prohormone. Generally speaking, all we can say is that it is advisable to start with a mild steroid first and keep doses low, typically for 3-4 weeks. For a novice this will still lead to excellent gains. It is critical in our opinion, that an oestrogen blocking product should be held ready at the start of a prohormone cycle. Users unworried about oestrogen can take it for 3-4 weeks after the end of their cycle. Those concerned about oestrogen, should employ it both during and after. In this respect, Havoc and Epistane make good choices as they negate the need for an anti-oestrogen during the cycle, due to the fact they are inherently anti-oestrogenic. Still, even with them, an oestrogen blocker should be applied after all cycles with prohormones.

    Dietary and Supplement Advice

    Assuming a good clean diet is eaten, normally the only advice we would recommend is to increase protein intake to at least 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight. So for a 200lb individual, 400g of protein a day. Given the fact prohormones are all oral in nature, we recommend increasing water intake also and employing the use of a liver protectant such as silymarin and N-acetyl cysteine, along with fish oil dosed at 6g a day. Those who are particularly anal may want to consider taking their prohormones with grapefruit juice. In theory, this will help increase their gains via inhibition of enzymes that break down drugs leading to enhanced absorption.

    Training Advice

    Given the fact you are taking a powerful prohormone which will rapidly boost muscle mass, training volume should be increased but we recommend limiting the increase in weights. Instead, after your cycle has concluded, given the catabolic environment present post cycle, it is an excellent time to reduce volume and increase the weight which will help preserve your muscle and strength gains whilst keeping cortisol (a hormone indicated in the breaking down of muscle) levels low. A good rule of thumb is to double your normal training volume on cycle and then reducing it to a half of your normal training volume in the first few weeks post cycle while your body gets back to a homeostatic state (normal hormonal environment). So, if you do 10 sets a session normally, go to 20 on prohormones, and then reduce to 5 until your post cycle oestrogen blocker has finished its job.


    are powerful compounds with the ability to impart significant gains in muscle and strength mass. We hope this article has provided some useful information for you to help understand their benefits, applications and how to structure their use within your overall training and dietary plan.

    Anti Estrogen 7 Day Diet Plan.